Our ONLINE event celebrating Hungarian heritage and culture! 

July 17-20, 2024

30+ presentations on Hungarian foods, language, history, genealogy, travel, folk art, folk music, and more!

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Let’s face it, growing up outside of Hungary means there are things you have missed out on. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn about and incorporate these traditions into your life!

Pick those ones that resonate with you and share them with the ones you love —
Because it’s never too late!

At the Hungarian Heritage Expo we…

  • Celebrate Hungarian heritage in new ways!
  • Encourage you to dig deeper into Hungarian culture!
  • Discover more ways to pass on the rich Hungarian culture to the next generation!
  • Connect with others to hear their stories and to share yours!
  • Learn all you can about a variety of topics relating to Hungarian heritage!

Come join the fun!

Sign up here!

Let’s learn together!

People all around the world are cooking heritage foods, studying the language, planning trips to Hungary (or former territories of Hungary) to see their ancestral villages, and learning all they can about Hungarian heritage. Our sessions are designed to help you learn more about those things that interest you most and introduce you to some things you might not be aware of!

Meet Your Host

Hi, I’m Liz (Szabó) Vos!

All of my great grandparents emigrated from Hungary 100 years ago or more. Between 1880-1924 my ancestors came to the United States and spent time building their lives in Ohio and Pennsylvania.

From generation to generation the love for our Hungarian heritage was passed on in a variety of ways and it continues to be. I think my great grandparents would be tickled to know that even their young great, great, great grandchildren know a little Hungarian. Sharing our heritage is something that is best done in community! So let’s work together! And, after all these years, the information needs to be shared in English!

Grab your ticket and join me and 20+ other speakers for a one-of-a-kind event that will help you take a deep dive into your Hungarian heritage.

I can’t wait to see you there!

What to Expect

The HUNGARIAN HERITAGE EXPO has a variety of pre-recorded presentations to choose from each day. This event is entirely virtual, so you’ll be able to attend from anywhere in the world with internet access. 

Attend presentations from our lineup of 20+ speakers who will present on Hungarian history, culture, foods, folk art, folk music, genealogy, and more! 

Create a free account and then join our special EXPO CHAT area ot The Hungarian Community and connect with other like yourself who are already hanging out and learning more about their Hungarian heritage. This is where you’ll be able to connect with the speakers and other attendees before and during the event! 

Our Hungarian Heritage Resource Tool Kit which includes six months of access to the presentations, the opportunity to be a full member in The Hungarian Living Community for 30 days, premium bonuses, and more! 

Sign up here!

Meet the Speakers

Check out the incredible lineup of speakers you’ll learn from at the Hungarian Heritage Expo!

Tunde Dugantsi

FoodHoney Gingerbread Decorating Demonstration Read More

Krisztián Skoumal

GenealogyThe Most Important Online Sources at FamilySearch & About the Jewish Registers Read More

Réka Pigniczky

History Intro to Memory Project: Visual History Archive of Hungarian Emigration History Read More

Andrea Lauer Rice

Cultural ConnectionsIntro to Memory Project & Intro to Hungarian American Coalition Read More

Andrea Tordai

TravelThe Beauty of Lake Balaton Read More

Ildikó Fekete

Folk ArtEaster Eggs in the Pannonian Basin Read More

Katalin Solymosi

LanguageLet's Have a Little Fun with Hungarian: Fun and Useful Hungarian Expressions Read More

Kinga Tittel

TravelThe Hidden Mini Treasures of Budapest Read More

Anna Hamp

LanguageLive Class: Let's Learn Az a szép & Live Workshop: Hungarian Language Clinic Read More

Annamaria Torok

FoodOur Culinary Heritage: Gulyásleves by Annamaria's Kitchen Read More

Andrew Laszlo Jr.

Author TalkFootnote to History: From Hungary to America, The Memoir of a Holocaust Survivor Read More

Briane Turley

HistoryOur Laughter is Drowned in Smoke': Life and Labor of the Appalachian Hungarians, 1880- 1930 Read More

Cathy Cassady Corbin

HistoryHimler of Himlerville and the World Read More

Ádám Fledrich

FoodCooking Demo: Four Faces of the Hungarian Pancake (palacsinta) Read More

Connie Hampton Connally

Author TalkFrom Stories to Novels: The Siege of Budapest and the Rákosi Era Read More

Didi Ijjas

Folk ArtEmbroidering a Business Read More

Doug Cantrell

HistoryAliens in Appalachia: Hungarian Miners in the Mountain South Coalfields Read More

Joan Toth

Cultural ConnectionsSister Cities: Sonoma, CA and Tokaj, HU Read More

Juliette Stokes

Family HistoryLike Mother, Like Daughter Read More

Karolina Toth

Cultural ConnectionsWhy you Should Host an Exchange Student Read More

Katalin Lovász

Folk ArtMatyó Embroidery Then and Now Read More

Liz Szabó Vos

TravelHeritage Travel: Why You Should Consider Visiting Your Ancestral Towns Read More

Lori Rogers-Stokes

Family HistoryLike Mother, Like Daughter Read More

Orsi Lajos-Berla

HistoryHungarian Café Culture Read More

Sarah Pedlow

Folk ArtThe Tradition of Written Embroidery from Transylvania Read More

Timea Szep

Folk ArtMaintaining Traditions: Transylvanian Egg Decorating Read More

Vickie Fields

GenealogyHow Your Library Can Help with Genealogy Research Read More

Zina Bozzay

Folk MusicHungarian Folk Singing: From Village Life to Urban Practice Read More

Zsófia Gebel Simó

LanguageFrom Roots to Words: The Beauty of the Hungarian Language & Improve Your Hungarian with Fun Games Read More

As you can see from these amazing value-packed presentations, this is an event you do not want to miss. Grab your ticket and join us for the Hungarian Heritage Expo!

Sign up here!

Have Questions? We Have Answers

If you’re curious about Hungarian things, this event is for you! We’ll be specifically talking to those with Hungarian heritage (no matter the percentage) and focusing on learning more to be able to pass it on to the next generation, but anyone else who wants to learn more about Hungarian heritage and culture is welcome to join us. All sessions are in English.

The event was July 17-20. But the fun continues!

While most of the presentations for the Expo are pre-recorded, there are a few live elements, and the pre-recorded presentations are only available for 24 hours with your free ticket. So we encourage you to attend live if you can! We would love for you to set aside some time during the expo week to attend the live sessions, watch the pre-recorded presentations, and participate with others who are learning more about their heritage.

However, if you’re not able to attend any sessions live and you have limited availability during the Expo week, go ahead and grab your free ticket and watch what you can. You’ll have the opportunity to upgrade to the Hungarian Heritage Resource Tool Kit which will give you 6 months of access to the videos as well as a host of amazing resources from our speakers.

Your free ticket includes 24 hour access to each of the presentations. If you need more time, you can always upgrade your ticket to the Hungarian Heritage Resource Tool Kit after registering, which will give you six months of access to the presentations along with premium bonuses from our speakers and more!  

To avoid tech glitches, give you the best possible experience, and keep things easy for the speakers, the presentations are pre-recorded. However, most of the speakers will be hanging out in our private Expo Chat area in The Hungarian Living Community. You can create a free account and connect with them there to ask your questions! 

. Many of the speakers have resources available that you can access by providing an email address, but the speakers will not get your email address unless you choose to give it to them specifically. That way, you only hear from the people you really love and don’t have to worry about getting added to multiple email lists that you’re not interested in.

You can learn more in our Privacy Policy.

While our presentations have the closed captioning option we have several speakers who have accents which sometimes makes it a challenge. 

Yes. All presentations and live classes will be held in English.

If you still have questions, we encourage you to go ahead and sign up. Your questions will likely be answered during the event or in our special Expo Chat area in The Hungarian Living Community, which you’ll be able to join right away after signing up. 

However, if you need to ask us a question before registering, feel free to contact us.

An ONLINE event celebrating Hungarian heritage and culture! 

 Get ready to learn all about Hungarian foods, language, folk art, history, travel, genealogy, and more!