If you’re excited about the Hungarian Heritage Expo, you will love the Hungarian Heritage Resource Tool Kit! 

$1000+ worth of resources, including live sessions, and more to help you make a deeper connection with your heritage and share it with the ones you love!

Just $147! 

Only available through July 23, 2024!

Get the Tool Kit!

Watch this video to learn more!

Get access to more resources when you upgrade your ticket

July 17-20 is going to be jam packed with many opportunities to help you make a meaningful connection with your Hungarian heritage.

With the Hungarian Heritage Resource Tool Kit, it gets even better! 

Upgrade your ticket for exclusive access to all live sessions during the week of the expo, participate in our cooperative cookbook project, and get your hands on the awesome resources contributed by our speakers to help you make a deeper connection with your Hungarian heritage.

Not to mention six more months of access to the expo presentations so you can watch them at your leisure and revisit them as needed.

Here’s what you get when you upgrade:

Longer Presentation Access

Instead of having to decide which resources you can watch each day you will get access to all of them for six months, so you have ongoing access to the content to watch at your own pace! You can even invite others to watch them along with you!

One month of membership in The Hungarian Living Community

You can be a full member and join in on the learning and connection opportunities of The Hungarian Living Community for one month! Then take advantage of 10% off  the yearly renewable price!

Access to Live Events During the Expo

We have some special live events only for those who upgrade their ticket:

  • Familiar with the song Az a szép but you aren’t sure of the tune or of the words or the meaning? We will go through all of that in this special workshop!
  • There will be a live cooking demonstration all about palacsinta — the versatile and delicious Hungarian “pancake”. Recipes included.
  • Join our Hungarian Language Clinic Workshop where you can ask any question about Hungarian grammar and vocabulary and get those questions you have wondered about answered!

Plus other bonuses – details below available in the Hungarian Heritage Resource Tool Kit

Upgrade now!

Bonuses include a variety of digital resources…

Food and Folk Art Resources

  • Folk Art Coloring pages to print and color
  • Special Folk Art resources from our presenters
  • Four Palacsinta Recipes from Ádám Fledrich
  • Special Recipes from Annamarie’s Kitchen
  • Honey Gingerbread Cookie and Icing Recipes from Tunde Dugantsi
  • Hungarian Expo Recipe Collection be a part of this special project by contributing one of your favorite Hungarian family recipes and also share a special family story about it. We’ll gather all the recipes and stories and send you this special collection
  • Live Cooking Demo: The Four Faces of Palacsinta (Hungarian pancakes) have fun and be inspired to add more palacsinta into the life of your family with Ádám Fledrich. Recipes included.

Genealogy and History Resources

  • Celebrating My Heritage Workbook – Document your family information. This is a resource to help you organize your important family story in one place
  • Book Club Discussion Questions for The Songs We Hide and Fire Music ny Connie Hampton Connally
  • You know you’re from a Hungarian family when…” This pdf compilation was contributed by our readers and we have gathered them for you
  • Hungarian Revolution: 1956 This booklet offers and interactive way for children to connect with this important historical event, contributed by Andrea Lauer Rice, Lauer Learning
  • Magyars in America This booklet will help you see the contributions of Hungarians in the U.S., also designed for children and contributed by Andrea Lauer Rice, Lauer Learning
  • Interview Questions to use as you ask family members about your family story, contributed by Andrea Lauer Rice, Lauer Learning

Language and Travel Resources

  • Live Workshop: Let’s Learn Az a szép with Anna Hamp Have you always wanted to know about this song? Learn the tune and the words and the translation in this special workshop!
  • Live Workshop: Hungarian Language Clinic with Anna Hamp Come ready to ask any question about the Hungarian grammar or vocabulary! Don’t have any questions? Come listen to the questions of others and find out the answers!
  • 10 Online Hungarian Word Games for the A1 Learner by Hungarian by Sophie
  • 10 Great Coffeeshops in Budapest contributed by Orsi from Montázs Art Café
  • 5 Day trips by train from Budapest — ready to take a day and explore outside of Budapest? This mini guide will give you some great ideas! contributed by Andrea Tordai
  • Important Travel Tips for Hungary and Mini Phrase Guide — Planning to visit Hungary soon? Here are important tips we have collected through our years of travel.
  • 12 Tips for Taking Great Travel Photos contributed by Ron Anton Rocz
  • Useful Phrases in Hungarian pdf — usage, literal translation, and meaning

And more…

What those who work with us have to say:

The Hungarian Store and The Hungarian Living Community have been a part of my life for years. I love their learning opportunities – the Hungarian language, history, and cooking classes are wonderful. Through them I took a dream-of-a-lifetime trip to Hungary last fall. The friends I made there and in my classes I will keep for life.      ~ Clara G., South Carolina

The community you have brought together enriches my understanding of Hungarian life in America and in Hungary. Your encouragement is just the nudge I need to move forward with new resources. Thank you for connecting us.     ~ Barbara S., California

I have always had an interest in my Hungarian heritage.  I have taken Hungarian Language classes, genealogy, and recipe classes and I have been on several tours to Hungary — several to my grandmother’s village. I enjoy learning and connecting with others through the opportunities Liz offers.   ~ Michelle G., Michigan

Choose between:

Extended Access Pass

  • Ongoing access to all 30 presentations to revisit whenever you want for 30 days. ($500 value)
Get Extended Access - $47

Hungarian Heritage Resource Tool Kit

  • Ongoing access to all 30 presentations to revisit whenever you want over the next 6 months. ($500+ Value)
  • Access to Live: Let’s Learn Az a szép Workshop (song and translation) with Anna
  • Access to Live: Hungarian Language Clinic Workshop with Anna
  • Access to Live: Palacsinta Cooking Demonstration with Adam
  • Participate in our exclusive Hungarian Expo Recipes Collection cookbook! Contribute your family favorite Hungarian recipe and share a special family memory that goes with it. Every Tool Kit upgrade will receive the file with all the recipes and stories!
  • Access to 30 days as a full member of The Hungarian Living Community
  • Bonus content from our speakers including language games, resources for children, coloring pages, 30 days as a full member of The Hungarian Living Community, and much more! ($500+ value)

Total value $1000+

Get the Tool Kit for $147

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Expo Chat access starts right after you sign up for the Expo. You will be directed to a new website with instructions on how to log in. This Expo Chat is in a special area of The Hungarian Living Community. Only presenters and registered attendees of the Hungarian Heritage Expo can join the Expo Chat.

Each day of the Expo the presentations are released. WIth the Hungarian Heritage Resource Tool Kit there is 6 months of access to the presentations and the related live and bonus opportunities that are available until July 23.

On each day of the Expo presentation videos will be added at 11am, Eastern time.

Each of the bonuses will be linked near the speaker’s presentation.

After logging in to the Hungarian Heritage Resource Tool Kit, you’ll need to take a few minutes to go through and claim each of the bonuses you want – totally worth it for the $500 worth of downloadable resources! 

Be sure to claim all the bonuses you want by July 23.

It sure is! We are not able to offer price adjustments after the price has increased. 

The Hungarian Heritage Tool Kit is only available through July 23, and after that it will not be offered again. 

We are not able to offer discounts, but know that you are getting an incredible value, even if you have several of the speaker bonuses already. 

The total value of the Hungarian Heritage Resource Tool Kit is over $1000.

Due to the digital nature of the product and the fact that it contains downloads and material from multiple businesses, we are not able to offer refunds for any reason. Please look through all the details before you purchase and email Liz@HungarianLiving.com with any questions you have! 

No problem! Send an email over to Liz@HungarianHeritageExpo.com and we’ll get back to you within 1-2 business days.

Upgrade your ticket for a VIP experience worth over $1000, including bonus resources, live sessions, and one month as a full member in The Hungarian Living Community so you can connect and learn even more about your heritage and share it with the ones you love.

Sign me up for the Hungarian Heritage Tool Kit!